Specialists in food processing equipment

Added value

The overall set-up of the Rademaker Laminator is designed for high production efficiency. Operation is made as easy as possible.

Advanced process control for efficient production
Fast and Easy cleaning
Cost reduction due to minimum downtime
User friendly operating
Strongly reduced energy usage


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Our dough laminating machine is developed to produce consistent laminated dough sheets for a semi-industrial bakery to any industrial bakery. The dough laminator can laminate the dough sheet up to 512 layers, depending on capacity and the line concept. Capacities range from 250 to 10,000 kg dough per hour, consistently produced hour after hour, day after day, year after year.

The development of dough laminators is our core activity. Our mission is to offer a dough laminating machine that produce the best dough sheet possible for your bakery products. In close cooperation with our valued customers, our laminators are set up according to the production volumes, the used fat type, the number of needed layers, the desired thickness and the dough reduction method. Let our experience and expertise that we have gained over the years work for you.


 600 mm | 800 | 1,000 | 1,200mm  (optional > 1,200 mm)




The secret of quality pastry and croissant products originates in the dough laminating process. We use our experience in sheeting technology to develop innovative, stress-free laminating processes. Therefore, we can handle a broad range of dough, butter and fat types. In our quest to find the best laminated dough sheet, we have developed three laminating methods. Thanks to a flexible design the Laminator combines high product quality with an optimal capacity, quick product changeovers and superb hygienic characteristics. Rademaker industrial dough laminating equipment always assures a high product output and the very best quality. To obtain the highest quality of dough layers, it may be necessary to cool and/or rest the dough sheets in a cooling and/or resting cabinet.

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Go for gold

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